A dad that paints flowers on his daughter's face and and teaches her that pants will be called trousers when they move to England.

A mom who turns tissue paper into butterflies and knows the names of all the trees and flowers at the park. Who makes her photographer feel so special by sharing all the nice things people have said about her photographs.

A 5 year old who loves to laugh and dance and sing and make funny faces and carry on conversations. Who will run up and hug you the second times she meets you.

A two year old who is full of energy and will stand 6 inches from your face and speak sentences you can't quite understand, but you smile because he has such a sweet little voice. Who likes to set up trains with his dad and loves to hug and kiss his mom and sisters.

And a baby who just smiles and laughs and seems perfectly content.

It's a family you can feel like a part of, even after just a short time. So free-spirited and excited to learn and experience new things. So genuine and loving.

Thanks Jason, Starr, Cami, Graham, and Rose!
Now I'm the one with tears in my eyes. Maegan, you said such sweet things about us! Whenever I'm feeling like a failure as a mom, I'll read this again and again and again.
I truly love the photo of Cami & Jason at the top. Jason looks so handsome. A big copy of that will grace the wall of our house in England.
I'm guessing that photo of Cami & I is the one that made you teary. I love it, too. (And if that t-shirt really does make my eyes look that blue, I need to head to the Gap & get five more.)
Cami looks darling with her sun & flower and Jason wants to know what you did to get Graham to sit still for that shot. Actually, the exact question was "What was he doing with his hands?" And that shot of my sweet, chubby baby will make her grandparents very happy.
You are so wonderful. What are we going to do without you to help us so beautifully remember good times as a family?
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