Today I had a newborn shoot. It's hard to believe just three months ago my baby was doing the same things this baby was: pooping all the time, nursing all day, doing big stretches, wearing newborn sized clothes. Now he goes to school, smiles every time he sees Daddy, laughs, splashes and kicks his feet in the tub, has chubbalicious baby rolls, knows to pull the toy to make the music play. Three months ago I just wanted him to stay a tiny baby forever and couldn't imagine loving him more than I already did, but he gets even better by the day.
Here he is last weekend. We love him in a polo shirt. He loves to stand up and walk on Daddy's chest and do Super Baby!

We let Daddy sleep in last Saturday and did some tummy time with the boppy. I love his perfect face.

This is one of my favorites. Such a classic Xander face and I love the way his Daddy is gently holding him. He's got the best Daddy.

This one is from today. Just hanging out on Mommy and Daddy's (and sometimes Xander's) bed, happy as can be. It's a very good life.