Sunday, January 31, 2010

Birthday - - - NJ Baby Photographer

Little Ava and I shared a Birthday yesterday. She turned 6 months and I turned 31. Getting older feels good when you have so much to be happy about. Ava has her mom and her dad, a home, and a life full of love and comfort and snuggles and kisses - everything a 6 month old could want. I have good friends and family, a cozy little home I own, a fulfilling and enjoyable career, and this awesome business that I'm passionate about and allows me to make some extra money on the weekends. Most importantly, I have the world's best husband and our precious, perfect baby to give me all the love, comfort, snuggles and kisses a 31 year old could want. It's a wonderful life.

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One of my 2010 goals is to blog at least once a week, so you're going to be seeing a lot more of me this year!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Natural - - - NJ Baby Photographer

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Oh My Goodness - - - NJ Baby Photographer

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jack, Lily & Sam - - - NJ Family Photographer

Jack is almost four and can count to ten (well, way past it actually) forward and backward, in English and Spanish. He told me his favorite colors, which I have already forgotten because there were so many, that he likes to hug his mom, and that Lily and Sam are twins. And while I was at his house today, he was helpful and loving with his parents, brother and sister, and as you can see, he was happy and fun and super cute!



Lily and Sam are two. As much as I try to avoid gender stereotyping, I just can't help but describe them this way: Lily is such a girl (quiet and gentle and a little bit shy) and Sam is such a boy (active and adventurous, with no fear). Not that boys can't be gentle and girls can't be adventurous, of course!

Both are smart and sweet and totally precious. Lily looks like a tiny version of her mom and Sam looks just like his dad. And Jack is the perfect combination of both!


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My favorite from today...
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As I'm writing , I'm realizing that I had a shoot with a four year old and two year old twins and there were no tantrums or fighting or crying other than a few tears from bumped heads during "Ring Around the Rosy." We read and played and tickled and laughed and they couldn't have been better. Mom and Dad - You must be doing something right to have such happy kids!
