Sunday, February 22, 2009

Prince Charming

Today I spent some time with Grant. Of course when I called him that, Grace corrected me..."Prince Charming."

Grant is extra sweet and extra perfect and my baby kicked a lot when I was holding him, so he's obviously looking forward to playing with his cousin.

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His big sisters think he's pretty great.

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christie adams photography said...

adorable!! I love the second black white :)

Starr said...

Prince Charming, indeed. I can't wait to see the photos you take of your little guy.

Anonymous said...

These look so great.....I am a little teary eyed just looking at them. Thanks so much!!!!

mar said...

These are the most adorable baby pictures ever! Why weren't you doing this when my kids were babies? One of these days you'll have to come to my house.