Monday, September 8, 2008

My Favorites: A Blog Contest!

Posting about the holiday mini sessions got me thinking about the whole year so far in pictures. I went back through my blog to remember some of my favorites and I decided to do a contest!

The prize is a REALLY nice one: a BEAUTIFUL album with 10 mounted 4x6 images from the session. So if you are one of the contestants, be sure to e-mail this to everyone you know so you get lots of votes! Each person can only vote once and voting will be open until this Sunday, September 14th, at 6pm.

Although I would love to post my favorite from each session, I am limiting myself to ten! I love these images for all different reasons. Some make me laugh out loud when I see them. So make me feel warm and fuzzy. Some evoke a memory of a super fun family or an extra sweet child. And some are just so cute! Here they are...

1. Nicholas at 6 months
Nicholas Six Months (9) copy

2. Baby butts
MaeganDougherty2008 (14) copy

3. Tyler with his grandparents
IMG_1776 copy

4. Lexie-Ann playing peek-a-boo
July2008 (25) copy

5. Spencer and his dad
Spencer's Baptism (39) copy

6. CJ Frowning
CJ (26) copy

7. Alex wearing shark shirt in a field of flowers
Family Pictures (23) copy

8. Jackson's Family
Jackson (28) copy

9. Luke and his mom laughing
IMG_1031 copy

10. Baby Dean with his mom
IMG_0398 copy

Happy voting and good luck to the contestants! The winner will be announced next Sunday!


Starr said...

Hey, why aren't my kids in on this!?!

Actually, Maegan, I love #5. Jason and I both thought it was wonderful when you first posted it & my opinion hasn't changed.

Anonymous said...

#4 is adorable. Lexie-Ann is super cute.