This weekend's two portrait sessions were postponsed and Paul is golfing today, so I am spending time on productive things like throwing away junk mail, hardboiling eggs, giving myself a manicure, and those things people do regularly that I rarely do myself: cleaning, grocery shopping, and laundry. I will not allow myself to lie on the couch and watching movies all weekend (like I did last weekend). I think Paul might actually be a little confused when he gets home and realizes all his clothes are clean and folded or hung, both bathrooms are clean, and we have toothpaste, bananas, and spinach wraps and that he didn't buy. Okay, not sure if I can really accomplish all of that in one day, but I'm going to try!
After looking at my checking account and calulating the small fortune I spent at
Cafe Duke, and
Pergola on lunches this week, I put some whole wheat pasta in a pot to boil and I'm going to add some beans, veggies and sauce, in different combinations, to bring for lunches this week. Paul seems to buy whole wheat pasta every time he goes to
Trader Joe's, even when we don't need it, so we have enough to last us a year, or at least a few weeks.
I'm also going to spend some time today with
Grace and Rose and their little friends
Kevin and Ryan, so stay tuned for pictures of two of the cutest girls ever and and two adorable little boys! I haven't met baby Ryan yet, but based on my experiences with his big brother, I'm looking forward to it!
Okay, time to pull myself away from the computer so that I can get started on all this productiveness!